Tradewars 2002!

Fake Trade Wars News!

9/7/2020 Full disclosure. These are videos of me playing a 30 year old game (Version 2 Wide Beta 5) on my original IBM XT 5155. Its slow. The sound is terrible. I'm literally pointing a camera at a monitor since no capture card will work in the only VGA mode the computer is capable of.

Yes, it is glorious, but only ~70% of what you will see in the current game. is a much faster multiplayer game with online chat and the ability to play cooperatively or attack other online players. It also doesn't take 60 seconds to calculate a route.

Want to play a BBS game from the 90's on a modern computer? With other people?!

Know what you are doing? Congrats! (I do not.) I set up an SSH server in front of the Tradewars server. To quickly get into the game use these settings:

ssh's password:KalDurak!

Wait, did I just give you my password? Yes, but that just gets you a game session. You will still need to enter your name, select <A> Safe Haven BBS from the game server menu, and then enter your password. Welcome to Tradewars 2002! Have fun, don't blow up my stuff!

Windows 10 Command Prompt Example

The authenticity of host ' (...)' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:(...)
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added ',' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.'s password:

Any Linux Terminal Example

mint@mint:$ ssh
The authenticity of host ' (...)' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is (...)
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes
Warning: Permanently added ',' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.'s password:

The ANSI Graphics don't look right?

In Windows 10 I found the SSH Putty client would display the ANSI graphics correctly with the settings below.

  1. Download and install Putty on your computer.
  2. Cut and paste the registry settings below into your favorite text editor and save it as putty.reg, then open the file from Windows File Explorer and import the registry settings.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

  1. Open Putty, double click on "TW2002" under Saved Sessions. The first time you do this Putty will ask if you want to save the host key, please do. This key is used to encrypt Internet traffic.
  2. A window opens and prompts you for's password. Enter "KalDurak!" (no quotes) to continue.
  3. Now its going to ask you for your name, enter your name!
  4. Select "A" to select the Safe Haven BBS, create a password.
  5. Have fun, don't blow up my stuff!

*I* am not editing my registry settings based on what some weirdo suggests on the Internet.

That is hurtful. Technically the correct answer and how you should live on the Internet, but hurtful. Once in game, you can go into your "C" computer settings and select "N" for personal settings to turn off the ANSI graphics and animations. With those disabled you can use just about any terminal you want, without random gibberish routinely sent to your screen. It doesn't do anything about weirdos on the Internet, unless you post about it online, then you will certainly meet some.

Computer command [TL=00:00:00]:[14640] (?=Help)? N
<Set ANSI and misc settings>

(1) ANSI graphics            - On
(2) Animation display        - Off
(3) Page on messages         - Off
(4) Sub-space radio channel  - 0
(5) Federation comm-link     - On
(6) Receive private hails    - Yes
(7) Silence ALL messages     - No
(8) Change Password
(9) Abort display on keys    - SPACE
(A) Message Display Mode     - Long
(B) Screen Pauses            - No
(C) Online Auto Flee         - On
(E) Sector Autoreturn        - Off

Settings command (?=Help) [Q]